[Part 3 of The Oresteia Project]
The Furies (2005)
opera in one act on Aeschylus’ Eumenides, 90 minutes
Libretto by Sarah B. Ferrario (trans. from the ancient Greek)
Orestes is placed on trial at Athens for his mother’s murder, and is acquitted. Athena, appeases the Furies, who have prosecuted Orestes, by making them honored gods in Athens.

flute, oboe, violin, viola, cello, piano, 1 percussion
Orestes, son of Klytemnestra and Agamemnon (tenor)
Ghost of Klytemnestra (mezzo-soprano)
Athena (soprano)
Apollo (baritone)
Pythia, priestess of Delphi (mezzo-soprano)
SSAA ensemble of Furies (minimum 12)
SATB chorus
Klytemnestra's ghost bids the Furies pursue and kill her son, Orestes Charmaine McGilvery, Klytemnestra
Listen + Watch
Athena, hearing Orestes' call, arrives to give aid to him
Bridgid Eversole, Athena
The citizens of Athens welcome the now-kindly Furies into their city Apollo (James Rogers), Athena (Bridgid Eversole), Orestes (Alex Kugler), Furies and Chorus
Let Pan Care for Her Thriving Flocks
Ah, Sisters, We Suffer!
Mother’s Blood Moves Me
Raise Up
Performers: Bridgid Eversole, soprano, James Rogers, baritone, Catholic University Opera Theater